The generated process titles have been stored in database and shown everywhere the process is shown.
The replaced Process Reference functionality is no longer supported. The related records have to be found process types configurations by substring processReference and deactivated with removal or commenting out.
The text process description can be flexible generated from parameter values.
The configuration defines where a process with a type can be created.
In many places of user interface separated table columns with entity IDs were replaced to HTML title popup, that significantly spares screen place. For some entities the IDs haven’t been shown before at all.
The NEW plugin allows process execution planning using a single board. On the board execution groups assigned to execution areas and over these shifts are distributed processes.
MessageTypeContactSaverPhone can save a calling number to a process a parameter.
Clients' Custom repositories are being migrated from GitHub to a self-hosted GitLab system. Please contact your Consultant to obtain a space in the secure GIT repository with new features: easy updates from the base Custom, and preliminary verification and compilation of Custom code using GitLab CI.
MySQL root password in Docker container made equals to the app’s one.
Updated versions: MySQL to 8.0.40, Java to 21.0.5+11
Support EXPLAIN queries in SQL Tool.